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INTRODUCTION The church in Philippi was the first church in Europe. Acts 16:12 says that Philippi was the foremost city in Macedonia and a Roman colony. The citizens were proud of their Roman citizenship (Acts 16:20-21, 16:37-39), dressed like Romans, and often spoke...


INTRODUCTION Acts 19 tells of when Paul was in Ephesus for the first time. We are told, among other things, that: There were enchanters there (v. 13). Many who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls, which all together were worth an enormous sum, and burned them...


INTRODUCTION A subtitle for Galatians could be: “What is the true gospel?” The congregations in Galatia had been visited by some false teachers who preached Jesus and the Law of Moses. They believed that Gentile Christians had to be circumcised and keep...
2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians

INTRODUCTION This letter was written a couple of years after 1 Corinthians, and now there were other problems in Corinth. Since the last time, some false apostles had come to the church. They exalted themselves (3:1, 10:12) and looked down on Paul. They were concerned...
1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians

Introduction We may think that the first churches were always on the right track and functioned much better than our churches today, but 1 Corinthians shows that this was not the case. Some of what goes on in the church are quite shocking, and it is probably not...