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INTRODUCTION This is not an easy book to understand, and there are various interpretations of it today. Some believe that most of it is in the future, others that most of it already happened in the first century, and others again that it has happened throughout the...


The letter is difficult to date but is usually placed somewhere between AD 65 and 80 because of the similarities with 2 Peter chapter 2. One difference is that in 2 Peter 2, the false teachers are to come, while in Jude’s letter, they have already come (v. 4)....
3 John

3 John

INTRODUCTION As in 2 John, the author introduces himself as “the elder”, but there are also enough similarities in 3 John with the other writings of John to assume that he wrote this letter as well. The historical background is the same as for 2 John, but...
1 John

1 John

INTRODUCTION The author does not say who he is, but both the Church Fathers and the writing style point in the direction of the Apostle John. The background of the letter seems to be a church split, where someone who has left the church (2:19) now denies that Jesus is...
2 Peter

2 Peter

Although the addressees are not specified in this letter (1:1), they are probably the same as for 1 Peter, since he writes that “this is now my second letter to you.” (3:1) He goes on to say that he writes to refresh their memory (1:12-15, 3:1-2), and he...